In her new book, The Domino Diet: The manner in which to heal oneself from the Inside Out, registered dietitian and licensed life coach Karie Collins offers readers a fresh viewpoint on weight loss. She campaigns for a broader viewpoint on losing pounds and overall health, one that has a lower emphasis on calories along with dieting instead of more focused on healing oneself on multiple levels. Instead of succumbing to the detrimental effects of yo-yo dieting, in which you lose a few pounds, gain them back, and then attempt again, Cassell suggests trying her Zodiac Diet Formula, which assists you in modifying multiple aspects of your lifestyle. When all of these factors are addressed, they will start to fall down like dominoes.
As Karie explains, a common reason why dieting fails is that when we lose weight, our subconscious may attempt to find it again, resulting in inevitable plateaus and limited success with yo-yo diets. When we exchange the yo-yos for dominoes, we will be significantly more successful. We will commence the process of recuperating from the inside out, discharging conditions and diagnoses in order to experience better health. As Karie points us, optimal cellular renewal can occur in less as 120 days. The Domino Dietary Formula will enable you to overcome your ailments and become a new, healthier you.
The Column Diet is split into six parts, with each focusing on a specific pillar or area that must be adjusted in order to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight. Included in these dominoes are our thoughts, emotions, and hormones. Karie guides us through an examination of all six dominoes, with the result that, once they are properly aligned, we will achieve freedom–not just freedom from excessive pounds, but freedom from a number of other problems that plague other aspects of our lives.
The Inferno Diet is much more than a simple diet book. Karie is eager to point in the problem with the majority of regimens. As a registered nutritionist, she is aware that it is more fair to recommend a calorie range based on active versus inactive days than a fixed calorie consumption. She points out that we do not live in a static world. Moreover, we must reinterpret which a bathroom scale is indicating. According to Karie, restrictive diets are deleterious to genuine healing, along with “it has time to abandon your diet mentality and adopt a healing mindset.”
One of the most important ways to rehabilitate is to examine why we consume. If we are not consuming out of hunger, we are likely practicing emotional eating. Our behavioral patterns are formed by failures, remorse, disorder, and trapped emotions, which must be investigated. We must also alter our attitudes toward our bodies. Over eighty percent of women or near as many men are dissatisfied with their bodies, according to research. Karie desires that we modify the way we interact with ourselves by altering our beliefs. Throughout the book, she provides positive affirmations that we can use as we learn to appreciate all that our bodies do for us, while also elevating the mind, where it all begins.
Karie’s illustrative list of techniques for achieving weight loss astonished me greatly. The way she speaks of the significance of respiration is one example. “With a combination of prolonged respiration (for increased oxygen in while taking CO2 out) as well as adequate sleep, weight loss can literally occur in your dreams,” she says. She also suggests that we examine what and where we consume. Many of us consume food while viewing the news, and it is typically negative as opposed to “good chews.” This creates a stressful environment for consuming, and stress contributes to weight gain. With strategies guiding you with the book, such as The Power of Making a Pause before consuming, you will “Peace and Digest” and savor food once more.
We must also consider the psychological factors that influence our food choices. We are living in an era of resources, whereas this was not possible only two generations ago. Our forebears endured the Great Financial Crisis and food rationing during World War II. They frequently lacked sufficient food, which made them susceptible to marketing techniques that trained them to purchase two for a cost of one, essentially stockpile food, and pass these actions on to us. We must adapt to the modern era by abandoning the notion that we must consume everything on the our plate or stockpile up on food when it is on sale since there may not be enough in the future. Perhaps my favorite line in the entire book is the one in which Karie says that we must stop behaving as though every meal constitutes our “last supper.” It is time to abandon scarcity mentality and embrace abundance without remorse!
I never regarded the effects of postmenopausal and “manopause” on the privilege of dietary patterns as a separate issue. Karie suggests that we retrain ourselves to view this period as something like a midlife enlightenment rather than a midlife crisis. According to her, it would be aberrant not to experience a midlife awakening, so we should celebrate this time rather than simply consume our way through it.
Among the additional factors that influence our weight is harboring grievances. As Karie states, “The act of for is like vegetables-like no matter if it is good for you.” Additionally, we may dread what it will be like to achieve our desired weight; in essence, we fear accomplishment. We create apprehensive scenarios, such as believing that we’ll miss out on fun a second time if we commit to an unhealthy health program and that we’ll be forced to spend a significant amount of money that we do not possess on new clothing if we reduce weight. Karie adds why we can still enjoy ourselves; moderation is required: “It’s not everybody or nothing. Not related to Christmas. It’s about Christmas lasting a month, camping lasting a season, and Fridays lasting forever.”
These are only a few of The Domino Diet’s most notable features. Karie writes in a honest, honest, and entertaining manner that is heavily interspersed with insight, reflections, declarations, and great quotations that will drive you to make the necessary changes for enjoying the full pleasure of feeling mentally and physically healthy. I hope you can engage with this book and line up the dominoes to produce results you will enjoy.