Sammie and the New Baby

First in a series of novels on issues faced by young families, Sammie and the New Baby introduces readers to the author’s two gorgeous goldendoodles, Sammie and Lula.

Sammie is one lucky dog that is completely devoted to and doted on by his human family. He enjoys going on lengthy strolls wit his father and taking car drives with his mother, during which he can hang his head out the window and take in the fresh air. Sammie’s favorite pastime is presumably eating. He was seen eating out of his dog dish, as well as the kitchen table, and other random places.

Sammie enjoys numerous activities with his family, including playing ball, napping in the sun, and eating. Sammie is happy because he has a loving family and is loved by them.

A baby gate; this is a new feeding bowl, a throw blanket, a ball, and… wait, this doesn’t seem good to Sammie, has mysteriously appeared at the home one day. The friendly goldendoodle is then disappointed to learn that a new puppy has been brought home. They couldn’t possibly afford another dog. The new dog, Lulu, has fully won over his whole family.

Gilligan-Hannon has penned a lovely tale about a family’s excitement at the arrival of a new baby. The author relates her narrative from the perspective of the dog instead of the typical viewpoint of a small kid reacting to a new infant. Sammie, who believes his family has lost track about him with the arrival of a new puppy, is an engaging protagonist for young readers. The two adorable canines that help catch the imagination and likely delight youngsters are a product of the excellent work of the artist, Morgan Spicer. Children will relate to Sammie and Lulu, who show them that a new baby isn’t a sign they’ll be forgotten all their relatives but may offer a lot of joy instead. And at the story’s conclusion, when Sammie realizes the trouble, well, fun, he & Lula can get into, the reader will have a chuckle.

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