Tasteful Law Calorie Tuna or Chicken Salad

Here is a recipe for a quick and healthy salad that can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or supper. If you’re dieting, this salad will help you stay in complete control of the calories and nutrients you consume.

These proportions are for a single serving, which you prepare in a single small dish and eat directly from.

  • 150–200 g of cooked tuna or chicken, crushed or sliced.

Raw broccoli, thinly cut. When working with flowers, stick to the thinner, outer branches.

Tasteful Law Calorie Tuna or Chicken Salad
  • Raw tomato or paprika, thinly sliced.

The raw onion is thinly cut.

The dish is brimming with all the veggies you’ve eaten.

A few thinly cut cloves of garlic.

Plus 2 tbsp. of olive oil.

A splash of vinegar, if you please.

Spicy pepper, aromatic ginger, or any other favorite seasonings. Keep in mind that chilli has a fiery flavor.

  • Salt, in the event that the tuna nor chicken is unsalted.

The tuna is added to the bowl first, followed by the other ingredients. The veggies are then blended with the seasoned tuna. At long last, the oil from the olives and vinegar are incorporated.

Other fruits and veggies, as well as dairy products like feta, may be blended in. Cheese and feta, in particular, are high in fat. It’s preferable to pair these two with chicken as well. The sweet and tangy flavors of an orange slice or a handful of raw blueberries go well with the other flavors in the salad.

You may pair your salad with either plain water or sugar-free fruit juice. To reduce the sugar content, dilute concentrated juice with water. The grape juice complements the salad well.

You can get pre-cooked tuna and chicken at any grocery store. However, you can save time and money by cooking a large batch at once and storing the leftovers in the freezer for later use in a variety of salads.

There are protein, vitamin, mineral, and healthy fat sources in this salad. But carbs are essential as well. To accomplish that, just add some sliced whole corn bread to your salad. Spread some olive oil on the bread if you want it to be extra fluffy. Honey drizzled over toast is a nice touch as well. Add some cooked beans, peas, or corn to the salad for a heartier meal. These should not be mixed with the salad, although they may be served in the same dish.

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