There are a lot of inquiries at my chiropractic clinic. Musculoskeletal issues are the most common ones for which people seek my advice. I’ve always been curious about it and have done some reading on the subject. Many of my clients are aware of this, and they often consult with me about it.
I was recently asked by a patient, “Is it OK that I drink coffee?” Although I drink coffee on a semi-regular basis (around twice a week), I was curious as to whether or not it offered any health benefits. In moderation, coffee may provide health advantages, and we’ll go through them below.
One of the many widely consumed drinks in the world is coffee. I was surprised to see how much research supports the idea that coffee is good for you. The majority of research has shown that consuming coffee in moderation (between one and three cups per day) is best. Drinking more than three glasses each day was much better, though.
A research published in 2015 astonished me by linking coffee intake (both decaf and regular) to a longer life span. Researchers looked at the drinking habits of tens of thousands in men and women and discovered that those who drank coffee regularly (between one and five cups per day) had a lower chance of dying prematurely. It was fascinating to me that those who drank more than five cups of coffee daily did not always have longer life expectancies.
Caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee both seem to help patients with colorectal cancer, according to a study published in the September 2020 issue of the Journal on the American Medical Association Oncology. Over the course of five years, 1171 participants’ coffee intake was monitored. Those who drank 2-3 cups of coffee daily had a lower risk of their cancer spreading and a higher chance of surviving.
Researchers in 2019 utilized magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to detect amyloid plaque buildup in the brain, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. In a research with 411 healthy elderly people, individuals who drank a minimum of two cups of coffee daily had reduced amyloid levels in their brains. This points to a decreased vulnerability to Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

Those with diabetes type 1, liver cancer, cancer of the reproductive tract, prostate cancer, and cardiovascular disease may benefit from consuming coffee in moderation, according to several research.
In my opinion, these insights should be used by everyone in whichever way works best for them. If I drink cappuccino every day, I know I won’t function properly. I become anxious and have trouble sleeping.
I find that I can get by with green tea (all of which has numerous advantages) and that alternating days of coffee and tea works well for me. On occasion, I also like being caffeine-free for a whole day.