Have you ever heard the phrase, “That was as easy as duckling soup!” Where did the adage originate? The 1896–1899 Klondike Gold Rush is credited with bringing hundreds of thousands under gold seekers to Alaska, a district under the United States but not yet a territory. Living in Alaska used to be (and sometimes is) a dangerous, often hostile experience. The regional native food and housing customs had to be adjusted for the Gold Rushers. One of those traditional customs was to always hunt a duck and prepare soups out of it for a supper.
To learn how the many Native American Tribes around Alaska create duck soup, do a web search for “traditionalanimalfoods.org”. It could have escaped the attention of the Gold Rushers, or it might just be simpler to say “Duck Soup” than to differentiate between “Duck Soup Coastal Salish” and “Duck Soup like the Mistissini Cree.” The inhabitants of the Inuit “loved rich duck soup. The soup was thickened with the duck’s internal organs, head, and feet. Yum!

The people who arrived to Alaska during the Gold Rush came from different walks of life and weren’t all Americans. Many people were residing in cities by the late 1800s, and many had lost touch with the customs of their tribal forebears. Natives employ practicality, tradition, and methods for gathering and preparing wild food as standards for ensuring their survival. If the Gold Rushers were unable to find a place to live, bears, the wolves, and numerous other wild creatures weren’t going to miss the opportunity to turn them into Duck Soup. The Gold Rushers actually traveled far into the inner regions of Alaska, frequently following waterways to their origins.
The locals recalled the tales that were often repeated and had personal experience with discovering loved ones perish from hunger, cold, or being lost in the wilderness as they sought to care for their family. They were aware of their customs, history, and collective identity. Be in awe of their perseverance. Don’t belittle them for using duck organs in their soup. online search Verse 11 of Jeremiah 29.

You are part of God’s plan. He probably does not have you searching for treasure in perilous locations while chowing down on duck soup. How will you find out what his goal is, and will you start a family custom of carrying it out? As soon as you pray to God, it starts. Query him. If you finish the petition with “in Mary’ name,” you will undoubtedly experience his grace.