The Future of Car Accident Litigation

Car Accident Litigation

Did you know that over 38,000 people lost their lives in car accidents in the United States in 2020? With autonomous vehicles changing the car industry, car accident lawsuits are set for big changes. This article will look into how self-driving cars, AI, and new laws are changing legal cases. More self-driving cars on the … Read more

Affordable Company Car Options for Your Business

Affordable Company Car Options

Did you know the global company car leasing market will hit $1.2 trillion by 2027? As a business owner, getting reliable transport for your team is key. But, it can be pricey. Luckily, there are many affordable options that can help you manage your transport costs. This article will cover the main points and benefits … Read more

Top Trends in Company Cars: What’s New in 2023

Trends in Company Cars

Did you know the global company car market is set to hit $1.2 trillion by 2025? The world of company cars is changing fast, with new trends focusing on efficiency, sustainability, and safety. This article will explore the top trends in company cars for 2023, including electric vehicles and telematics solutions. Key Takeaways The global … Read more

Company Car Use: Legal Guidelines for Employees

Legal Guidelines for Employees

Did you know over 3.9 million Americans use a company car for their commute? This perk comes with legal rules and things to think about for both employers and employees. It’s important to know the laws about company cars to follow the rules, avoid risks, and enjoy the benefits. Key Takeaways Familiarize yourself with your … Read more

Comprehensive Insurance for Company Fleets

Comprehensive Insurance

Did you know the average commercial fleet in the US has over 20 vehicles? This shows how important it is to protect your company’s vehicles. Comprehensive insurance is key to keeping your fleet safe and your business running smoothly. Comprehensive insurance for company fleets offers the right coverage for your business assets. It helps protect … Read more

Company Cars and Employee Morale: Boosting Spirits

Company Cars and Employee Morale: Boosting Spirits

Did you know that 78% of employees see company cars as a top perk? This fact shows how big an impact company cars have on morale and job happiness. They are a key part of a good benefits package. In today’s job market, offering great benefits like company cars is key to getting and keeping … Read more

Company Car Cost Saving

Company Car Cost Saving

Did you know the average company in the U.S. spends over $8,000 per vehicle yearly? With fuel, maintenance, and fleet management costs rising, it’s crucial for businesses to cut down on company car expenses. Luckily, there are ways to make your fleet operations more efficient and save money. Key Takeaways Leverage telematics solutions to optimize … Read more

Green Company Car Policies

Green Company Car Policies

Did you know that the transportation sector is responsible for about 30% of all greenhouse gas emissions in the United States? As companies aim to cut down on their carbon footprint, green company car policies are becoming key. This article will look into how sustainable transportation can help. It will also cover strategies for eco-friendly … Read more