South Africans living abroad don’t require an explanation of the many uses for biltong. Newcomers to biltong may appreciate some suggestions on how to use it. Biltong is a dry-cured beef that is marinated in vinegar, herbs, and spices before being hung in the air to dry. European settlers were responsible for an explosion of recipe variety. Beef is now the most popular kind beyond South Africa, while game and ostrich options are also readily available. The flavor and texture of this dried beef come from a special seasoning and curing procedure. Since biltong is a savory dried meat, contrasted to the smoother beef jerky, it may be utilized in a wide variety of applications, ranging from simple snacks to ingredients in elaborate major courses.
Ready-to-Eat Biltong Pate
Pate arrives in many forms, but this one will surprise all you domestic goddesses.
These ingredients will feed four to six people.
- One medium onion, one hundred grams or grated biltong, fifty grams of butter, two hundred fifty grams of cream cheese, and two hundred fifty grams of cream (whipping cream is ideal). Biltong is naturally very low in fat, so you may eat as much as you want without feeling guilty.
In a skillet, melt the butter and cook the onions over low heat until soft, then set them aside to cool. Blend together the onions, shredded biltong, cream cheese, and cream until smooth.
To serve, sprinkle with water cress and top with thin slices of biltong. Fry off some chili, garlic, mushrooms, or peppers with the onions, and then mix them in for a tasty new flavor.
Extra usages
Cooking without biltong is convenient for the lazy chef since much of the work of seasoning and flavoring the food has already been done. It’s an interesting take on traditional recipes for stew and soup. It gives the impression that you are competent in the kitchen, regardless of the truth.

On two counts, biltong makes a great addition to kids’ lunch boxes. It’s low in fat, rich in protein, and a good source of energy, plus it tastes great, so they’ll eat it. This savory snack is a fantastic complement to your daily calorie intake, whether you’re on an eating plan or just watching what you eat. This South African delicacy is dried using methods that leave the least amount of fat in the meat, making it a healthier alternative to other snack meats. As a result, it goes well with various sandwich fixings, spreads, and salads.
A wide variety of dishes and recipes may benefit from the addition of biltong, which you can get at []. It’s an excellent snack for anyone monitoring their weight since it’s nutritious without tasting like cardboard.